Dr. Dev (Fictional Name) and his friend were revising the course just the night before the exam. When the bell sounded at 2.00 am for the library to close, Dr. Dev picked up his books and turned towards the hostel. His friend started walking in the opposite direction. Dr. Dev asked his friend, ‘Where are you going? His friend replied, ‘I am going to the 24-hour open staff canteen. I still have a large part of the course to revise. I will sit in the canteen and study there till the course revision is completed.’
Dr. Dev countered, ‘Even my course revision is incomplete but I am still going to sleep as I am mentally exhausted and need a good sleep to recharge my brain before the exam. I will risk going to the exam in the morning with a partially revised course but with a fresh mind. All the best to you.’ With that, they parted way and continued towards their respective destination.
The next day, Dr. Dev went to give the exam after sleeping for 5-6 hours but with an incompletely revised course. His friend stayed up studying till early morning and went to the exam with just 2-3 hours of sleep. After the exam, they compared how their performance was.
Dr. Dev was satisfied as his performance was not great but it was not terrible either. In all, it was slightly better than average. But his friend was crestfallen. He lamented that even though he had revised the course completely before the exam yet his performance was far below his expectation. He was not able to recall and write even the answers to questions which he had studied just a few hours ago. He committed few blunders and got confused between answers.
Regular study is the key to success in any exam. A common occurrence with many students who do not study regularly is to aim to revise the complete course at least once on the day before the exam. If they are not able to finish it in the day they continue studying late at night and sometimes even in the morning.
But these students forget a very important fact; you don’t mark for studying for the exam. You get marks for the answers you write in the exam on recalling / remembering from your memory. For that, you need a well-rested fully functional mind. If you go to the exam without proper sleep and mental rest, most probably you will not be able to write even things you have studied before.
This does not apply to just school and college exams but also to job interviews, important meetings, presentations, etc.
So before staying awake studying all night just before the exam, consider its effect on your mental performance in the exam. A fresh smooth functioning mind is as important as a revision of course for scoring good marks in the exam.
— ND
(Based on an allegedly true incident.)
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DISCLAIMER: This article is intended only for fun purposes. The author does not promote or recommend any behavior illustrated here or claim it to be useful. Use the information herein is at your one's own risk. Before trying to emulate or follow anything the reader is well advised to take into account ethical, moral, legal, and other considerations. The author recommends that Medical Practice should be of the highest ethical and moral level keeping in mind the interest of the patient as foremost.
DISCLAIMER: This article is intended only for fun purposes. The author does not promote or recommend any behavior illustrated here or claim it to be useful. Use the information herein is at your one's own risk. Before trying to emulate or follow anything the reader is well advised to take into account ethical, moral, legal, and other considerations. The author recommends that Medical Education should be of the highest ethical and moral level keeping in mind the interest of the patient as foremost and according to MCI and other Board norms.