Sunday, 20 March 2016

The Peacock, The Lion and The Ass

The single man is a peacock, the engaged man a lion, the married man an ass (donkey).
— German proverb

I was having a conversation with my good friend Dr. Jolting (or Dr. Jhatka). I asked his opinion about the above mentioned German proverb. 
Dr. Jolting replied, ‘Dev, I cannot comment on the proverb in reference to a man’s marital (marriage) status, but this proverb fits the middle part of medical student’s career’.
‘How is that possible?’ I asked my friend, Dr. Jolt. 
Dr. Jolting replied, ‘When a MBBS student, after years of study passes his final exam and starts his internship, with the prefix- Dr. before his name, he feels like a peacock. How many of us are not guilty of displaying out new found 'Dr.' status like a peacock preens and displays his feathers?
‘When he gets selected in a Post-graduation (PG) Residency entrance exam with good rank, he feels like a lion’. ‘You know how difficult it has now become to get PG seat in good college and branch. Sometimes, students don’t get selected even after giving the PG entrance exams five to six times. The PG entrance exam selected doctor feels like a lion among his less fortunate peers.’
‘And, when he joins the PG residency in some high profile institute like AIIMS or PGI Chandigarh, especially in branches with tough working condition like Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, Orthopedics, etc, he feels like or is made to feel like an ass (donkey)’. 

 Truth or Fiction? You decide!

© Author. All rights reserved. 

DISCLAIMER: This article is intended only for fun purpose. The author does not promote or recommend any behavior illustrated here or claim it to be useful. Use of the information herein is at you one's own risk. Before trying to emulate or follow anything the reader is well advised to take into account ethical, moral, legal and other considerations. The author recommends that Medical Practice should be of the highest ethical and moral level keeping in mind the interest of the patient as foremost. 

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