Sunday, 20 March 2022

The ‘Red Ox’ Student

Dr. Dev (fictional name) was discussing with the intern posted in his unit how students are studying in present times. The intern gave an interesting piece of information. He informed that many students in his college drink the popular energy drink ‘Red Ox’ (fictional name) and study the entire night and give the exam.

Dr. Dev's interest was piqued. He was aware of the so-called energy drinks used by sportsmen and athletes but this was the first time he was hearing it use as mental energy drink aid to studying and giving an exam. He studied the ingredients listed by the manufacturer of the energy drink and concluded that its mental effect is just due to the high sugar and caffeine content in the drink. These are two things a student can get cheaply and conveniently by drinking sweetened tea and coffee. The cost of tea or coffee in a college canteen or cafe is usually 4 to 5 times cheaper than the so-called energy drink. 

Please note, by Tea, I mean tea prepared from leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. Other herbal preparations of ‘Tea’ prepared from other herbs and plants are quite different from that of the Camellia Sinensis plant in terms of caffeine content, with some having zero caffeine in it.

High Sugar containing drinks can lead to an upbeat feeling due to the fast rise in blood sugar levels but when the blood sugar goes down as fast as it went up, it can cause a reverse depressing effect. This is in addition to the harmful risks of high sugar intake such as obesity and damage to teeth enamel.

These ‘energy drinks’ also contain other ingredients like Taurine, vitamins, electrolytes, etc. Some have raised concern that this combination of ingredients can cause harmful effects especially heart-related. So plain tea or coffee may be safer.

The amount of caffeine in a cup of tea or coffee can vary significantly depending on the type and preparation of the drink. A cup of black tea can have 45 mg to as much as 90 mg of caffeine and green tea around 20 to 50 mg. White tea generally has the least amount of caffeine. The amount of caffeine also increases with how long it is boiled/seeped and how hot is the water.

A cup of coffee can have 50 to 95 mg of caffeine. In comparison, cans of energy drinks can have 80 to 110 mg of caffeine (check the label). The maximum intake of caffeine in 24 hour period of a healthy adult is around 400 mg to 500 mg. So it is less likely to overdose while drinking tea or coffee.

Caffeine no doubt has a stimulating effect that can lead to increased alertness, less sleepiness, improved mood, and mental and physical performance. But there can be side effects to caffeine such as anxiety, palpitations, changes in heartbeat, a feeling of restlessness, and insomnia. Same as those many students face at the time of the exam. These side-effects may be more prominent in those people who are born intolerant to caffeine.

With regular use, there is the danger of developing a mild addiction. You may have ‘withdrawal symptoms’ like headache, restlessness, or a feeling of lethargy and loss of energy if you are not able to have your caffeine drink at your usual time. 

If you get up late or the college/hostel canteen is closed and you reach the exam hall without your morning dose of tea/coffee, your performance may decrease badly. So have some standby/emergency arrangements in your room. Dr. Dev in the morning just stir a spoonful of instant coffee powder in a cup of plain unheated water and drink it without milk or sugar. A fast easy method if you can tolerate the bitter taste.

You may also develop tolerance with regular drinking. You may require more cups of your caffeine drink for the same effect which you were having in past. This may lead to side-effects of drinking too much tea or coffee. Therefore, during the non-exam time, it may be a good idea to limit your intake of tea or coffee to just one or two cups in a day and increase near exam time if needed.

Another factor to keep in mind with tea made from the Camellia Sinensis plant is that it contains a natural chemical compound called L-theanine in addition to caffeine. L-theanine has been described to have a stress-reducing and calming effect. This has can have a synergist effect with the caffeine in the tea. So with tea, you may feel more alert, focused, and energetic without the anxiety and nervous effect of consuming caffeine alone. 

There is nothing magical in so-called ‘energy drinks'. Coffee or tea can be cheaper and more healthy alternative. Even with them, there may be side effects of caffeine. Tea has the additional benefit of L-theanine over coffee. With regular use, you run the risk of developing dependence and addiction, and tolerance to increasing doses. So plan accordingly.

Tit-Bit: Batman (© DC Comics) prefers to drink tea rather than coffee, no doubt due to his upbringing by his British origin butler, Alfred Pennyworth. His favorite blend is ‘Earl Grey’. 

Please read the danger of studying all night and giving exam is shared in this old blog post.

Please Note: This is not a scientific article. Please verify the facts yourself before trying anything.

— ND

(Based on allegedly true incident.)

© Author. All rights reserved. 

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DISCLAIMER: This article is intended only for fun purposes. The author does not promote or recommend any behavior illustrated here or claim it to be useful. Use the information herein is at your one's own risk. Before trying to emulate or follow anything the reader is well advised to take into account ethical, moral, legal, and other considerations. The author recommends that Medical Practice should be of the highest ethical and moral level keeping in mind the interest of the patient as foremost. 

DISCLAIMER: This article is intended only for fun purposes. The author does not promote or recommend any behavior illustrated here or claim it to be useful. Use the information herein is at your one's own risk. Before trying to emulate or follow anything the reader is well advised to take into account ethical, moral, legal, and other considerations. The author recommends that Medical Education should be of the highest ethical and moral level keeping in mind the interest of the patient as foremost and according to NMC and other Board norms. 


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