Around 30 years ago, one morning when Dr. Dev (fictional name) was still an MBBS student at AIIMS, New Delhi, a few of his junior resident doctor friends asked him to come with them. The resident doctors were going to meet Professor Sneh Bhargava who was the Director of AIIMS, Delhi at that time.
Professor Sneh Bhargava was the first female radiologist in India and the only female director of AIIMS, Delhi in its history.
The resident doctors were going to argue about some points regarding the patient’s benefit. Although, Dev did not exactly know what the point was, but he was always ready to help his friends in a good cause and he was curious to see Professor Sneh Bhargava at a close distance, so he readily agreed.
The group of junior residents with Dev reached the Director’s office. Without taking permission from her secretary they directly barged into her office. Once inside, Dev stayed at the back of the crowd and watched with interest the interaction between Dr. Sneh Bhargava and the residents.
Dr. Sneh Bhargava looked up at this unannounced intrusion in her sanctum, a fleeting look of anger appeared on her face, but it quickly disappeared as if it had never been there.
Very politely she asked who were they and what could she do for them. The residents informed her that they were junior resident doctors in AIIMS and they put forward their demand.
After listening to their demands, from her looks it appeared she was not convinced by their arguments, but again with an agreeable look on her face, she replied, ‘Okay, I will look into the matter. I will see what I can do. I will appoint a committee to look into the issue and solve it.’
The residents wanted her assurance then and there that she will agree to their demand. Again she assured them that she will look sympathetically into the matter, and suddenly asked them, ‘Your salary must also have increased with the new pay commission?’ The junior resident doctors were surprised at that question but agreed that their salary had indeed increased.
Professor Bhargava asked, ‘Then most of you must have now come under the income tax-paying category?’ Again the resident agreed that they will now have to pay income tax with the increased salary.
Professor Bhargava inquired, ‘Have you thought about saving income tax by tax planning and making use of the various deductions provided by the government?
The residents replied that they have not given it much thought. Dr. Sneh Bhargava offered, ‘if you want then I will ask the account section to arrange a talk by a Chartered Account for you residents so that you can save the maximum amount of money on tax.’ The residents readily agree that it will be indeed useful and asked her to please arrange at the earliest.
Finally, the resident doctors who had barged into Prof. Sneh Bhargava's office full of fire and fury against the AIIMS administration came out docile and thinking about saving their own money in income tax. This was the magic of Prof. Sneh Bhargava
When faced with an angry, stay cool and calm. Don’t try to fight fire with fire.
Even if you don’t agree, instead of straightway denying and antagonizing the mob, defer making a spot decision, push the matter to the future, and refer the issue to a committee or group of experts.
To bring people to your side, talk about something profitable to them and which increases their money.
Two webpages with more information on Prof. Sneh Bhargava:
— ND
(Based on allegedly true incident.)
© Author. All rights reserved.
Tit-Bits — The first CT scan machine was installed in AIIMS, New Delhi in 1977, and the first ultrasonography machine was installed one year later in 1978, by Prof. Sneh Bhargava’s effort.
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DISCLAIMER: This article is intended only for fun purposes. The author does not promote or recommend any behavior illustrated here or claim it to be useful. Use the information herein is at your one's own risk. Before trying to emulate or follow anything the reader is well advised to take into account ethical, moral, legal, and other considerations. The author recommends that Medical Practice should be of the highest ethical and moral level keeping in mind the interest of the patient as foremost. The author recommends that Medical Education should be of the highest ethical and moral level keeping in mind the interest of the patient as foremost and according to NMC and other Board norms.
That was magical tact😉Talk about money and people forget about other things 😀